M'tetezi Improved Cookstoves Balaka District, Malawi

The Chinansi Foundation distributes fuel-efficient cookstoves door-to-door free of charge to households in the Balaka district, Malawi. A total of 60,970 cookstoves have been distributed in Balaka. Besides reducing fuel consumption, the project reduces greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to climate change mitigation in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  The project developer of this activity is EKI Energy Services Limited. 

Project Impacts and Benefits

The primary impact of the clean cooking program is to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the amount of non-renewable biomass that is used in household cooking. Furthermore, in the poorest communities, the burden of collecting and/or purchasing fuel for cooking often falls on women and children. By reducing fuel collection and cooking time, this project ensures that women in project households have more time to invest in other productive economic development activities.

  • 232,273 tons of CO2 emissions are reduced per year.
  • Good health and well-being - 100% of project households reported a reduction in smoke after the introduction of the stoves.
  • Gender equality - 96.19% of project households reported time savings after the introduction of the stoves; female beneficiaries may use time saved collecting fuel or cooking to pursue other education or economic activities.
  • No Poverty - More than 60,000 households received an Improved Cookstove

More project information can be found in the Gold Standard Impact Registry

Vintages of credits: 2021
N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated. 

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1697 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

EKI Energy