Indonesia Biogas Programme

In rural Indonesia farming depends on a healthy natural environment. Because of the increasing threat from the changing climate, farming income is put at risk. Domestic biogas provides a sustainable way for small farmers with livestock to reduce dependence on firewood and expensive fossil fuels for cooking. Biogas significantly improves living conditions and helps to mitigate the negative effects of climate change.
The Indonesia biogas programme distributes biogas digesters as a local sustainable energy source by developing a commercial, market-oriented sector. This provides business opportunities for construction companies and employment for masons.
Farmers receive a subsidy from the carbon finance and have access to loans through local cooperatives.
Project Impact and Benefits
There is no smoke development when cooking with biogas. This means health benefits for the whole family, in particular for women and children. In addition, cooking is easier and faster.
The empowerment of women is supported by providing equal access for men and women to certified biogas training. The training also includes the use of bio-slurry as a fertiliser. Women have the opportunity to benefit from both biogas and bio-slurry.
The bio-slurry is an excellent and free alternative to chemical fertilisers. Various studies have shown that bio-slurry has a very positive effect on agricultural productivity.
28.557 Biogas installations have been installed and 9.043 Households use bio-slurry as fertiliser. The project has achieved the following impacts to 2023:
SDG 13: Climate Change – 528.781 Tonnes of CO2 reduced (verified 2011-2023)
SDG 1: No Poverty – Savings in fuel expenditure
SDG 2: Zero Hunger – 9.043 households use bio-slurry as fertiliser, increasing crop production
SDG 5: Gender Equality – 61 minutes time savings per day (certified by W+ standard) resulting in time available for economic activities or leisure
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy – 28.557 households with a biogas digester (installed 2009-2023)
More information on the project is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry.
Vintages of credits: 2021
N.B. Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated.
Project Developer
Biru Karbon Nusantara