Vichada Climate Reforestation, Colombia

Nestled in the remote Vichada Department of the Orinoco River basin, the Vichada Climate Reforestation Project has evolved from a timber-centric initiative to a robust conservation effort emphasising biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration. Serving as a guardian for the region's unique flora and fauna, it actively mitigates greenhouse gases, catalysing positive socio-economic changes. Employment and technology transfer programs, along with other strategic initiatives, contribute to the development of local communities while delivering environmental benefits.

Expanding from its original focus on savannah reforestation, the project now spans 73,835 hectares, preserving native vegetation along riverbanks and watersheds. This comprehensive strategy reduces soil erosion and improves water quality, leading to a transformative impact in the region. Consequently,  local communities thrive with elevated living standards, significantly furthering Colombia's developmental objectives.

Project impacts and benefits:

Social benefits:

  • More than 100 locals secure sustainable livelihoods, exceeding minimum wage standards
  • Targeted technology programs equip participants with vital competencies
  • Building a diverse & multicultural team with equal rights for all participants
  • Integrated capacity building and environmental education programs for local communities

Ecological benefits:

  • Over 19,208.4 hectares of trees have been planted, enhancing ecosystem health and carbon sequestration capabilities
  • Implemented strategies to effectively prevent soil erosion, safeguarding vital nutrients and microelements essential for ecosystem stability
  • Creation of vital shelter and nesting habitats for both migratory and native animals and insects, facilitating the recovery of biodiversity
  • Commitment to conservation ensures the protection of diverse species within project areas, incl. 56 observed or monitored threatened species

More project information is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry

Vintages of credits: 2019, 2021

N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated.

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6502 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

Forest Finest Colombia