Efficient and Clean Cooking for households in Nigeria

This project promotes the transition of families to BURN's Jikokoa, one of the world’s most fuel-efficient charcoal stoves.
The use of open fires and solid fuels for cooking is one of the world’s most pressing health and environmental problems, directly impacting close to half the world’s population and causing 132K premature deaths in Nigeria each year. The cooking sector accounts for 2% of annual global carbon emissions estimates. Today, 83% of Nigerians lack access to clean cooking, with 31% of the population living on less than $2.15 a day.
This project allows clean and efficient cookstoves to be distributed at a subsidised price, enabling access to Nigerian families who otherwise could not afford them. The stoves result in a ~85% reduction in indoor air pollution and ~60% reduction in fuel consumption, meaning improved health outcomes, reduced deforestation, $6 per week in savings per family and cooking time saved. The carbon credits are certified by internationally recognised body Gold Standard.
The project is operated by BURN, Africa’s leading cookstove company. BURN stoves have impacted over 24M lives, and BURN operates the only modern cookstove manufacturing facility in Nigeria.
The project is financed by Key Carbon, a Canadian entity with a mission to accelerate climate action.
Project Impacts and Benefits
The project’s impact on 8 SDGs has been certified by Gold Standard. Since the project’s launch in 2021, the project has had the following impacts:
Climate action: 590K tonnes of CO2e avoided. The Jikokoa stove reduces fuel consumption by 64%, resulting in a decrease in both CO2 and non-CO2 emissions from cooking. Furthermore, by reducing the demand for biomass, the project contributes to slowing down deforestation.
Affordable and clean energy: 119K households with access to clean cooking.
Good health and well-being: 94.3% of households experienced perceived improved air quality. Cooking-related smoke inhalation is responsible for approximately 3 million premature deaths each year, according to estimates by the Clean Cooking Alliance. By using BURN's Jikokoa stove, indoor air pollution is reduced by 65%.
No poverty: 51% in monetary household savings related to the purchase of charcoal.
Life on land: 558K tonnes of non-renewable biomass wood saved. Reduced demand for charcoal helps protect forests from overexploitation and deforestation, lessens the pressure on land resources, reducing the need for clearing and degradation of natural habitats. In addition, overharvesting of wood for charcoal can lead to soil erosion and desertification, especially in arid regions. A shift away from charcoal use encourages the adoption of sustainable agroforestry practices and reforestation efforts as well as safeguarding critical habitat.
Gender equality: 79 minutes of cooking time saved each day, per household. The time-saving benefit of using a Jikokoa stove is particularly advantageous for female beneficiaries as they can now utilise the extra time to pursue other activities, such as education or engaging in economic endeavours. By reducing the burden of fuel collection and cooking, the project contributes to empowering women and providing them with opportunities to participate in educational and economic activities, thereby promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in the communities it serves.
Decent work and economic growth: 304 local jobs created as part of this project. BURN Manufacturing distinguishes itself as the world's only vertically integrated improved cookstove company, meaning a variety of jobs created across Africa.
Quality Education: 93 people provided with specialised training as a result of this project. BURN has a commitment to provide inclusive training opportunities for youth, women and men.
More project information is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry.
Vintages of credits: 2022, 2023
N.B. Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated.
Project Developer
Global Cookstoves Ltd