Aliaga Wind Power Project

The Aliaga wind power project is a 19.2 MW wind power plant based in Izmir, Turkey. The project is located in a district occupied by refineries, ship dismantling sites and other industries that significantly impact air quality. Whereas, this project consists of 8 Wind Turbine Generators of 2.4 MW each, generating approximately 58 GWh of clean energy per year, contributing to a reduction of CO2 emissions and supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.


Project impacts and benefits:

  • Generates approximately 58 GWh clean energy and reduces emissions by 31,847 tCO2eq annually.     
  • Project protects one of the last pastures in a heavily industrialised district, ensuring it’s not occupied by other industries or urbanization.
  • Employees (4 operators and 4 security officers) have been locally hired.
  • Night patrols of security officers increases safety of the area, creating a more secure environment for shepherds and their herds.
  • More than 6 km of roads were improved for the project and are now used by local people.
  • Supporting the local economy, services such as cleaning, water procurement, pest control and transportation are procured from local companies.
  • Project is regularly visited by engineers and technicians of local electrical transmission and distribution companies, university engineering students, elementary school students and other organisations such as “Turkish Women in Renewables and Energy” and “Turkish Wind Energy Association”. Visitors are instructed on the wind farm which contributes to their training + builds awareness.
  • Food aid in Ramadan is given to employees, shepherds and locals in the area.
  • Financial aid has been given to local organisations such as Aliağa Farmers’ Association.

Project certification documents can be found in the Gold Standard Impact Registry

Vintages of credits: 2020, 2021, 2022
N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated. 


Regular price
Sale price
Regular price
Sold out
Unit price

56999 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

Tan Elektrik Uretim A.S.