Safe Water Systems for Rural Uganda


Over 21 million people in Uganda are living without basic access to clean drinking water. The vast majority of people rely on water boiling to purify their water and prevent water borne diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid, and cholera.

TASC has financed the distribution of 30,000 Purifaaya ceramic water filters produced by SPOUTS of Water in Uganda to households in the western parts of the country. SPOUTS have been manufacturing and distributing ceramic water filters since 2012 which sit in a 20 litre plastic container that is able to provide for households of up to 8 people. It ensures up to 5 years of safe drinking water with the ability to simply replace the filters. Water filters take away the need to boil water and, therefore, reduce the reliance on wood and/or charcoal in the purification process.

Purifaaya water filters have been used in 5 registered Gold Standard projects since 2017. SPOUTS has a 1-star water filter rating from the World Health Organisation for preventing bacterial water borne diseases, and further certification from the relevant water authorities in Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Furthermore, the Purifaaya filters have undergone and passed testing in Uganda for bottled water grade water purity.

Project Impacts and Benefits

In the first monitoring period:

  • Good health and wellbeing - 99.1% of project households reported an improvement in their health after the introduction of a Safe Water System (SWS).
  • Gender equality - project households reported a time savings at least 2.46 hours/week after the introduction of the SWS; female beneficiaries may use time saved collecting fuel or purifying water to pursue other education or economic activities.
  • No Poverty - More than 30,000 households received a SWS.
  • Decent work - 61 individuals were employed during the distribution, monitoring, and evaluation of the project.

More details on this project are available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry

Vintages of credits: 2023
N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated. 

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4457 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

The African Stove Company