Akbuk Wind Farm Project, Turkey

The Akbuk Wind Farm Project (Akbuk WFP) utilises wind energy potential in Turkey and compensates energy requirement through a sustainable, environmentally and cost-effective way. The Project Developer and Owner, Ayen Enerji A.S., installed Akbuk WFP with 31.50 MWe total installed capacity (15 turbines) with estimated 100 GWh electricity generation per annum, near Akbuk and Akyenikoy towns of Didim District of Aydin Province, Turkey. Akbuk WFP was commissioned on 19/03/2009.
Project Impacts and Benefits
SDG 13: Climate Action - the project activity utilises wind power to generate clean electricity replacing the fossil fuel based generation prevalent in the domestic network. The emission reductions achieved from the project activity is approximately 68,000 tCO2e/year.
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation - the project activity replaces the grid electricity, which is constituted of different fuel sources causing thermal electricity generation and greenhouse gas emissions. By replacing in the consumption of these fuels, it contributes to conservation of water. Amount of wastewater to be discharged to the environment is decreased. The expected avoidance of wastewater discharge is 3,188,395.61 m3/year.
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy - the project activity involves production of electricity through wind power and feeds it to the Turkish national grid. This reduces consumption of fossil fuel-based power generation and thereby helps increase utilisation of renewable energy. The annual expected electricity generation from this project activity is 100 GWh.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - the project activity provides employment to about 10 employees, mostly from the local area, and at least one training to each employee per monitoring period. Some of the trainings which are being given include first aid, rescue, firefighting, electricity and safe weight handling. The employment of local people that have necessary technical qualifications for the required post is the priority and enhanced by all project activities during construction and operation of wind farm. As a result, local poverty and unemployment has been partially eliminated by increased job opportunities and project business activities.
More information on this project is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry
Vintages of credits: 2021, 2022
N.B. Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated.
Project Developer
Ayen Enerji A.S.