HomeBiogas Programme in Kenya

In Kenya, over 90% of rural households rely on charcoal and firewood, harming the environment through deforestation and exposing families, especially women and children, to financial strain and health risks from indoor air pollution. This reliance also accelerates biodiversity loss and climate change.

HomeBiogas is transforming this reality. Our innovative biodigesters empower underserved families by converting organic waste—primarily animal manure—into clean, renewable biogas for cooking and nutrient-rich fertilizer for farming. By reducing reliance on polluting fuels, our solution enables families to save money, eliminate the cutting of many  trees annually, and boost agricultural productivity through natural fertilizers. This program not only addresses critical environmental and economic challenges but also delivers tangible, lasting improvements to health, livelihoods, and sustainability in Kenya's rural communities.

Project Impacts and Benefits

SDG 1 : No Poverty
The HomeBiogas system provides a lifeline for underserved families by saving them money that would have otherwise gone to charcoal or firewood. These savings enable households to invest in essentials like education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities, creating a pathway out of poverty.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger
The biodigesters produce nutrient-rich organic fertilizer, enhancing soil health and boosting crop yields. This allows smallholder farmers to grow healthier, more productive crops, ensuring food security and improving agricultural sustainability.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
By eliminating the need for smoky charcoal and firewood, the project reduces indoor air pollution, which is a leading cause of respiratory illnesses in rural communities. Families, especially women and children, benefit from healthier kitchens and living environments.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
Reducing time spent collecting firewood and cooking, empowering women and children to focus on education and income generation.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
HomeBiogas systems provide affordable, renewable energy, replacing polluting fuels like charcoal and kerosene. Each household prevents the cutting of many trees annually, reducing deforestation while ensuring access to clean cooking energy.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Creating 200 jobs and training locals in biogas technology.

SDG 13: Climate Action
The project captures methane from organic waste and converts it into biogas, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

SDG 15: Life on Land
Using biogas reduces firewood demand, supporting sustainable forests in the project area.

Project certification documentation is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry. 

Vintages of credits: 2023

N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated. 

Regular price
Sale price
Regular price
Sold out
Unit price

90 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

HomeBiogas Ltd