Cambodia National Biodigester Programme

In rural areas of Cambodia, more than 90% of the people depend on traditional sources of fuel for cooking. Especially women and children are exposed to harmful fumes in their kitchens when cooking with fuel wood. The average energy costs and time to collect these fuels are a substantial burden for women and children.

Their farming practices are mostly based on an integrated system combining crop production and animal husbandry. Biogas has the potential to provide an improved livelihood for rural households.  Biogas has significant potential as a technology to enable energy access, improve the economic returns to smallholder farming, address climate change, and mitigate health concerns.

The sale of Gold Standard carbon credits enables the National Biodigester Programme to continue replacing traditional cooking devices using fossil fuels or non-renewable biomass with biogas stoves, improve animal waste management, and produce organic fertiliser for soil quality improvement at the household level.

Project impacts and benefits:

•    123,357 direct beneficiaries with access to clean energy, including clean cooking
•    $250 USD savings in expenditures on cooking fuels and fertiliser per household per year
•    76,779 tCO2 reduced per year
•    Bioslurry, produced as a by-product from the biodigester, is used as a fertiliser,  increasing smallholder farmers' productivity and supplementing household incomes. 

More information on this project is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry. 

Vintages of credits: 2023
N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated. 

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971 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

MAFF / National Biodigester Programme