Sapphire 49.5 MW Wind Farm Project

This 52.8 MW wind farm, (initially registered as 49.5 MW) is operated by Sapphire Group in the Jhimpir Wind Corridor, Sindh, Pakistan. It comprises 33 GE wind turbines delivering clean energy to the national grid and was the first wind project in Pakistan funded by the U.S. Development Finance Corporation (DFC)

Project Impacts and Benefits

Sapphire Wind Power Project comprises 33 GE wind turbines and delivers clean energy to the national grid. From Nov 2015 to Mar 2024, the project has displaced 966,203 MWh of electricity from fossil fuel-based power plants in Pakistan. This amount of energy is equivalent to 483,100 tCO2e. The project delivers ~130,000 MWh/year and reduces ~65,000 tCO2e/year.

As a socially responsible corporate entity, Sapphire Wind Power Company Limited (SWPCL) actively engages in various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7, 8, and 13. The company has implemented the following initiatives in nearby communities.

Quality Education

  • Constructed and maintaining three primary schools in the project vicinity.
  • Employing qualified teachers and providing solar panels for lighting and fans.

State-of-the-art medical and healthcare facility

  • Only project in the region with a state-of-the-art medical facility and ambulatory service for the local population, operated in collaboration with Agha Khan Hospital Karachi.
  • Free-of-cost medicines and the capacity to treat up to 30 patients per day.
  • Catering to three villages with a total population of 280.

Potable water supply

  • Provision of drinking water bowsers to the local community.
  • Constructed three water storage tanks for the local community

Local Employment

  • 47 locals employed
  • Engaging locals in civil construction contracts.
  • Disposal of waste/black water disposal contracts with locals.

Solar home solutions

  • Provided 20 solar PV home solutions for locals

Environmental sustainability is a priority for SWPCL. Adhering to IFC EHS guidelines and Performance Standards, the company has implemented the following environmental initiatives:

Birds & Bat Monitoring:

  • Engaged an independent consultant for ornithological studies.
  • Adhering to monitoring plans developed according to Scottish Natural Heritage guidelines.
  • Analyzing bird flight patterns and mortality to assess the impact of wind turbines.

 Noise & Shadow Flicker Monitoring:

  • Monitoring the impact of wind turbine noise and shadow flicker on neighboring communities.
  • Monitoring is regularly carried out following the benchmarks set by the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Waste Disposal & Management:

  • Ensuring proper waste disposal and management practices on the Project site.

As a responsible industry leader, SWPCL remains committed to advancing renewable energy in Pakistan, promoting sustainable development, and actively contributing to the country's clean energy goals.

More information on this project is available in the Gold Standard Impact Registry

Vintages of credits: 2019, 2020
N.B.  Individual vintages cannot be selected for purchase. Purchases will include credits from the vintage range stated. 

Regular price
Sale price
Regular price
Sold out
Unit price

40139 carbon credits in stock

Project Developer

Sapphire Wind Power Company Ltd