The Gold Standard Marketplace
Supporting climate action and sustainable development
Purchasing Carbon Credits Gold Standard-certified carbon credits fund climate protection projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions AND create sustainable development benefits for the communities that need it most. Each Gold Standard project has a verified contribution to at least three of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
We all have an impact on the planet – businesses, governments, individuals – and we can all play a part on the journey towards a more sustainable world. Proceeds from carbon credit purchases go to project developers, enabling them to maintain and expand their projects and deliver more impact.
You will receive a unique certificate by email. This will contain a link to the Gold Standard Impact Registry where your credits will have been retired for transparency.
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Planting Biodiverse Forests in Panama
Re-transforming degraded pastureland into ecological sound forests that offer a safe haven for native animals
Ceará Renewable Energy Project, Brazil
Striking out at deforestation: Promoting a more sustainable supply chain whilst improving livelihoods of employees and local communities.
400 MW Solar Power Project at Bhadla, Rajasthan, India
New project that displaces electricity generated from fossil-fuel based power plants with renewable solar energy.
Buenos Aires Renewable Energy Project, Brazil
This project alleviates deforestation, avoids GHGs and promotes a more sustainable supply chain: and does it whilst improving local + employee livelihoods. Making good, better.
The Nicaforest High Impact Reforestation Program
Combining reforestation on degraded land for sustainable timber production, sequestration of CO2 and protection of native forests + animals
22.5 MW Wind Power Project in Rajasthan, India
Wind project in India focusing on sustainable development for the local community
Betulia Energy and Biodiversity Restoration Project in Honduras
Providing rural electrification to local communities and renewable energy to the national grid.
Cleaner, Safer Water in Cambodia
Hydrologic’s purifiers have provided nearly two million Cambodians with safe drinking water–improving health and helping the environment.
Solar Cooking for Refugee Families in Chad
Bringing peace, safety, health and empowerment to thousands of refugee families from Darfur through the use of solar cookers.
Qori Q’oncha Improved Cookstoves in Peru
Qori Q’oncha Improved Cookstove project promotes the use of improved cookstoves in order to reduce harmful indoor pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and pressure on Andean forests.
Kenya Biogas Programme
Cooking on biogas is fast and smokeless, improving health among women + children. This project also improves crop yields + increases income.
Myanmar Stoves Campaign
Improving the lives of 250,000 people - saving much needed time + money, improving health and decreasing deforestation.
Mozambique Safe Water Project
The Project works with local communities to identify, repair and maintain broken boreholes to provide safe clean water.
Utsil Naj - healthy homes for all in Mexico
Addressing climate change whilst improving living conditions for the most vulnerable populations in Guatemala.
Renewable Energy Power Project by DDWL, India
The Wind Project in Gujarat focuses on the sustainable development of the community.
50 MW Wind Power Project in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wind project in India focusing on sustainable development of the local community
Fairtrade Project: Cookstoves for coffee farmers, Ethiopia
This Fairtrade certified project is distributing 40,000 cookstoves to coffee farmers, reducing wood consumption and CO2 emissions by 40%
Institutional Improved Cookstoves for Schools and Institutions in Uganda
Simoshi is a social enterprise dedicated to improving the livelihoods of children and their families via the installation of improved cook stoves. HIGH IMPACT PROJECT: SDG13 Climate Action + 8 additional SDG impacts.
Uganda Gender Responsive Safe Water Project
Safe water project which takes a pro-active approach to promoting and implementing gender equality practices in the community.
Improved Cookstoves for conservation of Ibanda-Makera Gallery Forest in Rwanda
Locally made cookstoves reduce firewood consumption, smoke in the kitchen and help to protect this jewel of biodiversity
WithOneSeed Community Forest Programme
Working with subsistence farmers in Timor-Leste to replant their forests, improve livelihoods and build their economies to help our climate
100 MW Solar Power plant in Maharashtra, India
Solar project in India focusing on sustainable development of the local community.
Improved Cookstoves for Rural Zambia
Providing the world's most efficient wood-burning rocket stove to rural Zambians. For climate, health and gender.
20 MW Solar Project in Rajasthan, India
Utilising the sun for clean energy, reducing emissions and providing benefits to local communities
120 MW Solar PV Plant by Juniper Green Sigma Private Ltd. in Gujarat, India
Solar project in India focusing on sustainable development of the local community.
Aliaga Wind Power Project
Wind power plant in Turkey that generates clean, renewable energy and contributes to the local community.
Biogas for Better Life Uganda
Cooking on biogas is fast and smokeless, improving health of women and children. The bio-slurry improves crop yields, food security and farmers income.
Solar Lighting Project in Zambia
Transforming lives through solar power. This project delivers solar lights to families living without electricity in rural Zambia.
300 MW Solar PV Plant at Bhadla, Rajasthan
This solar project in India focuses on the sustainable development of the local community and displaces electricity generated from fossil fuel-based power plants with renewable solar energy.
30 MW Wind Energy Project by Giriraj Enterprises
The wind project in India focuses on the sustainable development of the community.
Efficient And Clean Cooking For Households In Somalia
This project provides highly efficient clean cookstoves to low-income families creating social, financial, and environmental benefit.
Emissions Reductions from PET Recycling, Romania
Giving waste new life through recycling, saving emissions and creating value for nature, the economy, and society.
Efficient and Clean Cooking for Mozambican Low-Income Households
Helping low income households to tackle indoor air pollution, reduce poverty and access affordable, clean energy.
Guatemala Improved Cookstoves
The project uses carbon finance to support the distribution of improved cooks to rural communities of Guatemala.
Sapphire 49.5 MW Wind Farm Project
Pioneering wind project in Pakistan generating clean energy & uplifting local communities through education, healthcare, water & employment initiatives
Akbuk Wind Farm Project, Turkey
The Akbuk Wind Farm Project is an onshore wind power plant located in Western Turkey delivering clean energy to the national grid.
Vichada Climate Reforestation, Colombia
Creating forests to fight climate crisis. Combining reforestation of savannah, sustainable timber production, biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration.
Wind Energy Project in Gujarat, India
This wind power project generates electricity for the state grid of Gujarat and helps reduce the energy demand-supply gap in the state and contributes to sustainable growth by providing clean and green electricity.
Efficient and Clean Cooking Stoves For Households in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
BURN’s stove project in DRC saves families money on fuel, limits indoor air pollution and protects forests.
Water is Life, Madagascar
Water is Life is a project implemented in Madagascar by Aid4Mada onlus, with the aim of guaranteeing access to safe water to the communities of rural villages
Renewable Power Project by Emami Power Ltd
This solar project in India focuses on the sustainable development of the local community and displaces electricity generated from fossil fuel-based power plant with renewable solar energy.
Indonesia Biogas Programme
Domestic biogas provides a sustainable way for small farmers with livestock to reduce dependence on firewood and expensive fossil fuels for cooking.
Renewable Energy Wind Power Project in Rajasthan, India
This wind power project generates electricity for the state grid of Rajasthan, helping to reduce the energy demand-supply gap in the state and contributing to sustainable growth by providing clean electricity
Efficient and Clean Cooking for households in Nigeria
Cookstove project providing access to the world's most fuel-efficient charcoal stove (BURN Jikokoa), improving health in households and reducing deforestation
Safe Water Systems for Rural Uganda
Providing clean water access through the distribution of ceramic water filters to rural Ugandan homes.
Clean Cooking Programme Uganda
Community Carbon fights energy poverty and climate by providing access to Improved Cookstoves to those most vulnerable to climate risks.
HomeBiogas Programme in Kenya
HomeBiogas' Farmers systems enable farmers to convert cow manure into clean cooking gas and bio-fertiliser, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring sustainable agriculture practices.
Santander and Las Tapias Renewable Energy Project
The project substitutes coal usage with renewable biomass in a ceramics factory in Colombia, reducing harmful emissions.
Cambodia National Biodigester Programme
This National Biodigester Programme replaces traditional cooking devices using fossil fuels or non-renewable biomass with biogas stoves, improves animal waste management, and produces organic fertiliser for soil quality improvement at the household level.
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